Are you in need of some updated photos of you? Not your family or your kids but of you? I recently had the pleasure of going to a photography workshop and one of our fun outings was to take head shots of each other. Let me tell you it is a little crazy having four cameras pointed at you at once! But it is awesome to have pictures that I truly like of myself! My little darlings weren't there so I wasn't distracted with thoughts of what kind of trouble they may be getting themselves into and they didn't mess up my outfit! Anyhow bottom line is you deserve to have pictures of you that you like. With so many people running their own businesses and the prevalence of social media lets get you some photos of yourself that you are happy with! Here are a few examples of some lovely outdoor more lifestyle head shots that turned out great.
These ladies run an awesome local (Long Beach and Orange County) business called Spoon & Skillet in which they prepare all the ingredients of fresh healthy meals for you all chopped up and ready to cook and deliver them to your door. Let me tell you the meals are as tasty as Mindy and Meghan are lovely.
Here are a few more of another client Shelly who runs an interior design firm Van Roseboom Interiors
I also took a few shots for my husband Greg and his business partner Jen recently. Stay tuned for some exciting news about their new business.
To be fair since I'm posting photos of several friends I'll include a few of my own head shots taken by some of my talented photographer friends.
Taken by Jodi of Paintchips and Cupcakes in NJ and NY.
Taken by Kelley of Pear Tree Photography in the Atlanta area.
Taken by my idol and guru Wendy at Blue Lily Photography all over the world.
Taken by Alicia of Gray Wren Photography in Salt Lake City
Once we've booked your session I can help you from there with tips on what to wear (you can bring changes and options!), the best make-up for your session, and how best to represent you in photos. Cheers friends!